Styl Makes Search Fashionable with AI-Native Search & Discovery with Objective.

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For Dhruv Bindra, founder of fashion discovery app Styl, powerful AI-powered search capabilities were essential from day one. But as an early-stage startup, building those complex models in-house risked distracting from refining Styl's unique core competency - an addictive Tinder-style swiping experience.

Out of the box AI Search via a simple API integration

To get industry-leading multimodal search up and running with minimal engineering overhead, Dhruv turned to Objective's AI search platform. "Integrating Objective's API was shockingly easy, even for someone with limited technical experience like me," said Dhruv. "I was completely taken aback by how developer-friendly it is."

With just a few lines of code, Styl implemented robust multimodal search.

"What's the point of building out this entire infrastructure from the ground up for it to only be a 1000th as powerful as an API call that already exists?"  Dhruv says.

Elevating UX Without Compromising Core Differentiation

Styl's innovative swiping interface for fashion discovery remained the startup's prime focus. But now it was seamlessly augmented with Objective's powerful multimodal search to meet users' desires for both serendipitous browsing and targeted discovery.

"Objective gave us the search capabilities we needed through an easy integration, allowing us to double down on polishing our unique core UX rather than getting distracted building search from the ground up," said Dhruv.

Continually Optimizing On-Demand with No Heavy Lifting

Plus, as Styl's popularity exploded, Objective's serverless architecture scaled search effortlessly with no additional DevOps work required. Dhruv was happy that "even as Styl grew to over 35,000 users, I didn't have to worry about our AI search feature breaking thanks to the seamless scalability of Objective's platform."

Accelerating Your Unique Value While Leading with AI

"Objective let us hit the ground running with robust multimodal search while keeping our primary focus squarely on iterating our innovative core experience," summarized Dhruv.

By strategically leveraging Objective's AI search platform, startups like Styl can provide users with premium search capabilities from day one without taxing precious engineering resources. The result is greater bandwidth to expedite what makes your product unique and compelling, amplified by AI rather than constrained by it.

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